Specialist in the Latin GCSE (both OCR and Eduqas). Online Latin tutor, offering high-quality bespoke support accessible from your home. Former classroom teacher with more than two decades of both chalkface and tutoring experience.
DBS checked and qualified, with up-to-date training in safeguarding and online safety.
As an independent online Latin tutor specialising in the GCSE examinations, I offer high-quality support sessions that your child can access directly from home - or indeed, anywhere. With over 20 years' experience as a qualified teacher and now as a full-time, professional tutor of Latin, I have an outstanding track record in helping students to improve their understanding and attainment, including those who are really struggling with the subject. I offer a bespoke service, with the aim of improving a child's performance in the final examinations.
All sessions are one-to-one and as such they are individually tailored and customised towards whatever specific areas your child needs help with in order to succeed at GCSE level. I work with students entered for both OCR and Eduqas/WJEC.
The real joy of one-to-one tutoring is the opportunity for your child to benefit from truly individualised support and encouragement from an expert. This is why I have chosen to specialise in the curriculum area I know best (GCSE) and also why I only work one-to-one, not with groups. In terms of impact on a child's performance, one-to-one tutoring is impossible to beat.
HEAR DIRECTLY FROM MY CLIENTS ... and find verified testimonials on Google reviews, Qualified Tutor Ltd and Facebook:
"Selecting you was one of the best decisions I have ever made."
"Your lessons were transformational. Thank you SO much for all your efforts with him."
"Your help was invaluable. He went in today for his exam feeling more confident about Latin than I have ever seen him."
"Latin was such a chore for her before she started with you. The change in attitude is fantastic."
"You have turned dislike and dismay into enjoyment and enthusiasm."
"I just wanted to say that your lessons have been amazing. [He] feels so much happier and confident that he will be able to get a good grade in his exam next year with your help. He said you explain things so well. I am so pleased we found you."
"Her latin teacher today was randomly testing the class and [her] knowledge took him by complete surprise as she got 100 % on the various exam questions and vocabulary. None of the others scored this high. His response was he could see who had spent time revising during holidays Actually it isn’t revision it’s understanding, which has come only from you."
"[She] is sat in her room doing some of the Latin that you have sent her. What a difference in her approach to this since she started having your lessons. Some of the back to basics have given her the understanding that she hasn’t grasped before. I just wanted to say thank you for identifying that she needs support and giving her confidence back, which had gone completely."
"He achieved a 7!!! He was predicted 5, and you absolutely turned Latin around for him. He said, even before the grades came out, that you were amazing! You are an absolute superstar tutor! Thank you so much for finding the time to help him. He was so frightened before you started working with him and you gave him the knowledge which gave him confidence. Thank you so much!"
"He was so pleased with his result, having gone from only 29% just before he was tutored by you. We can't thank you enough."
"The smarter ones in the class were surprised as they do tend to ridicule [her] which hasn’t been helpful: they are predicted 8 whereas [her] prediction is very much lower. Your lessons have made a massive difference and she still has more time with you yet. A huge thanks to you again!"
"He got a 9! He was on a 4 in his mocks - a great compliment to your encouragement and teaching. And it was all last-minute! Definitely a very positive review from us!"
"Just to let you know [she] got a 9 in Latin! She is absolutely delighted. We really can’t thank enough. It definitely would not have happened without you."
"It’s really built her confidence. She’s doing better in terms of marks but the big thing is building her love for the subject which is really coming through. We are very grateful."
"We have received his latest report and he jumped from a 4 to a 6 in Latin!!! Very pleased. It confirms what an excellent teacher can achieve."
"It's a miracle, he got an A and a top third position overall! Thank you so much for all your help."
"I just wanted to let you know that [she] got an A* for her Latin GCSE yesterday. Thank you so much for helping her get over a rather big bump in the road last summer - it made such a difference to her attitude and enjoyment of the subject afterwards. Huge thanks."
"Thank you so much for your continued support of him and also the fantastic results you have always got from him - down to you being an amazing teacher".
"A HUGE thank you for everything you have done for [her]. There are no words to express my gratitude! How I wish we had found you earlier!"
"Thank you so much for all your hard work and consistency - you have made such a difference to all three of our girls, we really appreciate your enthusiasm, kindness and patience. They have all thrived under you. It feels like the end of an era now!"
"He got an A in Latin. He is over the moon!! Thanks so much for all your help! I only wish I had found you earlier!"
"She said she learnt so much more in your [session] than she did in her many years studying Latin in school."
"He got an A!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all your help - never expected a turn-around like that! How can this be the same boy who got low 40s a couple of months ago?"
You'll find advice about vocabulary learning and course book choices as well as a range of general musings
You'll hear practical tips and strategies designed to help you to help your child
Is your child struggling right now? Here are some links ...
My activities on Quizlet for GCSE students (both OCR and WJEC) are freely available on Quizlet and on YouTube.